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Tortum Lake

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Tortum Lake is located on the Erzurum-Artvin road, 35 kilometers north of Tortum District. The lake, which was formed as a result of a landslide mass descending from Kemerli Mountain in the 18th century, blocking the Tortum Stream, stretches for 8 kilometers in a narrow and steep valley on the Tortum Stream. Due to the way it was formed, a lake basin and a natural dam were formed here. The excess waters of the lake form the Tortum Waterfall where it flows into the Tev Valley by crossing this natural barrier. There is a small bird sanctuary at the south end of Tortum Lake. It is possible to see all four species of vulture in Turkey in the valley where the lake is located, which is frequented by birds of prey. In addition, trout and mirror carp are produced in the lake where cage fishing can be done.

There are also recreation areas in Tortum Lake, which is a narrow and deep lake surrounded by high hills on all four sides. Near Balıklı Village, the peninsula extending to the lake and the wooded areas around the lake are used as recreation areas. The Bozburun Peninsula stretching towards the lake in front of Balıklı Village is one of the most frequent destinations for tourists.

There are apple and apricot orchards on the opposite shore of the lake. Fairy chimneys decorate the eastern shores of the lake, while a very steep and rocky structure stands out on the western slopes. There are two islands in the lake, namely Ayvalı and Küçük. It is possible to take a boat ride on the lake, which is quite calm. 
